The Green Book Support – Green Step – Morocco
- Country: Morocco
- City: Casablanca
- Activity Sector: Arts & Design
Description of the Design
GREEN STEP is an idea of a product made from recycled plastic to create objects useful in our daily lives, while respecting the environment and keep the creative aspect in the production of objects made.
Problem Identification
At the fair level of the city CASABLANCA, waste collection costs 60 billion centimes a year, of which 40% is plastic waste. And the volume of waste produced has more than doubled in half a century and is expected to reach 12 million tonnes in 2020. And only 10% of household waste and 23% of industrial waste is recycled. Which puts us far behind in the world rankings.
The raw material (plastic waste) is abundant in Morocco
Recycled products are sold at a price a bit more expensive than competing products
State orientation towards the grant and the encouragement of the GREEN projects.
Social and environmental impact of the design
The GREEN STEP has a great social impact, since the entire team is made up of a group of young people who are in a precarious situation, and who find it difficult to integrate into the professional world, that’s why Green STEP offers a job opportunity for this type of young people, whose goal is to learn a trade (conduction, recycling, …). Thus this project is made to sensitize people and companies on the importance of selective sorting and to promote the concept of the circular economy.
Short term goals
- Build a team of 10 young people of different profiles to increase production
- Sign partnerships at least with 3 large companies to ensure waste.
Long-term goal
- Inauguration of an apprenticeship training center in Morocco in the field of recycling and waste recovery.
The proposed Product
GREEN BOOK SUPPORT: is an object used to keep the book (Quran) open during reading the thing that lets the reader focus on the sentences. This object is widely used and requested in Muslim countries. It is an object both utilitarian and decorative. But unfortunately the majority of BOOK SUPPORT are made from the wood materials the thing that push to ravage whole drills to manufactures this type of support.
That’s why we proposed the Green Book SUPPORT which plays the same role as the wooden support, with more advantage easy to tidy, decorative, ecological.