Brikbag Project – Centre d’Art Social Comunitari Team – Spain
BRIKBAG: First steps
We have made an analysis of different available materials, making tests of confection, resistance and environmental impact.
To make a decision we have analyzed different aspects:
- Preparation time of the piece
- Accesibility to the raw material
- Recyclability of raw material
- Weight of the material
The selected material has been the brik: We had a lot of material due to our own daily consumption (milk, soups, juices … etc.). The brik continues being the most used for the sale of beverages.
“In 2012, on the EU scale, this material was produced in quantity of 936 382 Mg, from which 40% have been recycled and 29% used in energy recovery processes. Material recycling is a challenging task in case of Tetra Pak packaging”
Once the material is selected, we are dedicated to test different ways to separate the brik components: cellulose, plastic and aluminum. We tried different techniques in which the environmental impact was minimal: boiling water, soaking 24 hours, sanding …Eureka! Separating the cellulose and using the plastic and aluminum, we obtained a texture similar to a fabric: malleable, consistent and flexible. Besides, the fact of being able to wrinkle it allowed us to give that feeling “trashion” that we wanted to keep.